
Saturday, August 11, 2007


Happiness, pleasure, jubilance comes and goes and are the parts of life. Such moments are like the bursting of balloons. They make big noise but remains for a short time only. Life goes on and on. People forget these blissful moments. Among friends you will forget all those ecstatic moments which gave you contentment.

When you look back in life you will never remember your victory over your foe that gave you maximum pleasure. But you will always remember the silence of your friend. The same friend who was very dear to you, with whom you have shared your whole life. And whenever you think about your friend you will never remember those valued moments that made you laugh but you will always remember silence, betrayal and all those moments that made your heart cry.

Why do we think only about betrayal? Why only silence? Why cannot we be happy remembering gleeful moments; those moments which once were very precious to us. Why?

Perhaps this is the way of life. Maybe this is why we are humans and not God. You just have to let it go. And you just have to learn to live with it.